
I Almost Let Poor Body Image Ruin My Hawaiian Vacation

The only potential saboteur on this vacation was me.

Michelle Brown
4 min read2 days ago


Photo by Anna Demianenko on Unsplash

Going to the beach or a pool is commonplace in summer or when on vacation. This means bathing suits are needed.

While wearing a bathing suit is no big deal to many people, being seen in a bathing suit in a public space is a huge issue for others — mainly me — in this case.

I have never been the type to run around in a bathing suit with our kids at the beach. In fact, I hadn’t been truly free to let the general public look at my body in any bathing suit situation for as long as I can remember. I would always find a way to cover up or wear a sarong. I probably hadn’t walked around on a beach in just my bathing suit since I was in my early 20s.

But on a recent vacation to Hawaii, I was 100% DONE giving in to my insecurities — even the small ones.

All of the amazing testimonials I had read in articles and blogs over the years about women who defied all their fears and let it all hang out in their bathing suits finally penetrated through. Additionally, I knew that there was a little girl by my side who was getting old enough to figure out if her mother truly loved and accepted her body or not.



Michelle Brown

Coffee Shop Gypsy. Word Practitioner. Editor of Heart Affairs + more... Like what I write? You can find more at my Substack